Redemptorist Region of Zimbabwe
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Redemptorist Region of Zimbabwe
Greetings my dear brothers and sisters all over the world. My name is brother Kenneth Temba of the Region of Zimbabwe. I am here to talk about our life as Redemptorists in the Region of Zimbabwe. The region of Zimbabwe was founded in 1960 by the London Province, following the invitation of Archbishop Francis Markall SJ, then Archbishop of Harare.
The Archdiocese of Harare has an estimated population of seven hundred and fifty thousand (750 000) Catholics who reside in the diocese. The Redemptorists are well known for Popular Missions and conducting Retreats all over Zimbabwe. We render our services to the laity and to the Religious. To date, this Region has twenty-two (22) finally professed members. We also have seventeen (17) students who are doing Philosophy and Theology and we have got also Six (6) Novices.
We are involved in various ministries in this Region, we are in: pastoral work, and also in social work. In Pastoral work, we are involved in Youth Ministry and Lay collaboration ministry. In Social work, we have got organizations that are very vibrant such as Mavambo Orphan Care which caters for the vulnerable as well as the Redemptorist Development Trust which is involved in developmental projects in the Region. We have got also the Publications Ministry where we preach the word of God using media and reading material.
As witnesses of the Good news of the grace of God, we proclaim before everything else, the very high density of the individual and of the whole human race. We know very well that all are sinners but equally we know that, at a deeper level we all have been chosen, redeemed and gathered together in Christ. We therefore strive to encounter the Lord where he is already present and at work in his own mysterious way (cf. Constitution 7).
The Congregation in Zimbabwe strives earnestly to carry out its mission with bold initiative and whole-hearted dedication. We are called to perform faithfully the missionary work entrusted by God from one age to another, and the Region of Zimbabwe develops and adapts this form of its missionary activity.
We do all this following the footsteps of our founder and companion St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori.
Thank you.
Author: br. Kenneth Temba CSsR
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